Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering [Diploma]


Mrs.Shendage P.B

Head of Department (E&TC)

Electronics & Telecommunication is modern engineering discipline that deals with desiging, fabricating, producing, testing& supervising the manufacturing process of complex electronics products & system. E&TC Engg helps design products in various industries such as, telecommunication,radio,television ,healthcare utilities .

It is diverse field that encompasses designing & developing traditional analogue technique & high-tech digital component also has well equipped laboratories to conduct practicals as per MSBTE curriculam.The most important benefits that E&TC provide freedom to drift between hardware & software field.

The Electronics & Telecommunication increasing by the day due to growth of IT industries job opportunity are open to public & private sectors to the students.

About Department :

Since its establishment in 2009, the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering is constantly engaged in the pursuit of providing quality education to aspiring engineers. With a sanctioned intake of 30 students, this department has always been the favorite choice among the students seeking admission to diploma course. Fully equipped and well maintained labs are instrumental in acquainting the students with various practical aspects of the technologies. A range of instruments available in Labs give students the opportunity to hone their practical skills.

The instruments available in these labs encompass Color TV trainer kit, Satellite receivers, Mobile communication Kits, DTH, Microprocessor & Microcontroller trainer kits. The Computers Lab. has sufficient number of PCs having internet facility on every single of them with a ratio of two students per PC Besides the programming languages, the PCs are loaded with educational software like PCB making software, Microprocessor & Microcontroller simulators, brain teasers etc. Well qualified and highly devoted staff is committed for imparting the best knowledge to the students.

Proper guidance of staff along with sincere efforts of students’ produces simulators, brain teasers etc. Well qualified and highly devoted staff is committed for imparting the best knowledge to the students. Proper guidance of staff along with sincere efforts of students’ produces excellent results every year. Here we equip our students with essential knowledge and skills which help them to excel in this highly competitive & demanding world.

  1. Year of Establishment: 2009
  2. Student’s Intake: 30
  3. Head of Department: Ms. Shendage P.
  4. Contact Phone no.: 7498542349
  5. Teaching Staff: 05
  6. Non-Teaching Staff: 02

Vision :

To become a leading technical department of academic excellence by imparting high patterns of discipline through innovative program of global standards making our students technologically superior ðically strong to serve the nation.

Mission :

Establish a unique learning environment to enable the students to face the challenges of E&TC engg. field. Provide ethical &value based education by promoting activities addressing the societal needs. Enable students to develop skill to solve complex technological problems of current times &also provide a framework for promoting collaborative & multidisciplinary activities.