Placement Cell


Prof.Danny Awesome

Training and Placement Officer

The sole aim of training & placement cell to make DKK&KP the center of excellence in the region and model center for the placement activities in this part of country beyond. The above advancement of technology has shrunk the world and revolutionized our the same time it has broadened the scope and redefined trends in engineering and management applications.

We place special emphasis to create an environment highly conductive for building solid foundation of knowledge, communication skills, soft skills, personality development, self-discipline, mockup interviews and enhancement of creativity through motivation and drive, which helps to produce professionals well trained for the rigors of professional and social life.

The training and placement cell acts as a bridge between the industry and institutions to take up industrial training, industrial visits, organizing seminars and other activities. Placement brouchers are sent to the reputed industries & organizations, students are actively involved in these activities.

The training & placement cell organized guest lectures from industries because no professional education is complete without adequate input from the industry. Students have found DKK&KP to be an effective launching platform. The skills of our students are appreciated at various campus drives and we have achieved excellent placements.

DKK&KP is adorned with distinguished faculty members, visiting faculty and dignitaries from various fields to provide individual guidance and counseling through seminars and workshops.

They generate awareness in students regarding future career options available to them. Their guidelines and vision mould students to international standards.

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