President Message


Shri. Uttam Phadtare


In an increasingly competitive business environment - where national borders are of a less concern-it is clear that INDIA as a whole has a pressing need for sophisticated business leaders. These regional leaders must be wholly qualified to deal successfully with rapid and far-reaching changes, including the rapid development of information technology currently fueling global business.Late Babasaheb Phadtare Polytechnic develops technical engineers with the knowledge and analytical skills needed to take effective change in technology.

MSBTE - Mumbai continues to be reckoned as the first accredited program in Western India and in the top rankings in the Maharashtra region. Teaching is by case-study, balanced with lectures, seminars and group work, all of which emphasize the application of theoretical training to the practical problems managers face today are most likely to face in the future. Convinced that modern technical education must take root in its home soil, Late Babasaheb Phadtare Polytechnic provides technical education that is both relevant and Indian. We cordially invite you to consider the Late BabasahebPhadtare Polytechnic Institute of Diploma program with all itsresources, challenges and opportunities, to shape your future, with a ground success.

"Students career and bright future development is our moto".

Shri. Uttam Phadtare
President, Maharashtra Institute Of Management.