Welcome to Late Babasaheb Phadtare Polytechnic College. We are proud that we carry forward the dream of our founder Hon.Shri. Uttamdada Phadtare of providing primarily, quality educational facilities and more importantly quality environment for students undertaking Diploma courses in technical education. As you turn these pages you will have a detailed in site of the facilities provided by the college. It will not be hard to conclude that the facilities provided for academics are matching the infrastructure in class and quality.
We expect the students to be 100% in true sense, and give their 100% of best efforts to justify the facilities being offered them. Discipline is a necessary input for turning out better citizen for which the college has definite guide lines and the students are expected to strictly adhere to the rules. A student here is expected to develop maximum skills with all the amenities.
Prof. Mr. Thombare Nagesh MahadevPrincipal, Babasaheb Phadtare Engineering & Technology.