R & D Cell


Prof.Danny Awesome


Institutes should have separate R&D cell. The R&D cell comprises of faculty members from various departments of the Institute. This committee oversees the smooth and efficient coordination of research and development activities in the Institute, thus fostering overall growth. A senior faculty heads this cell, with the Principal presiding over.

In all disciplines of technical education, knowledge is dynamic with new technologies being introduced very frequently. In this scenario, it is not possible for the teachers to deliver good quality instructions without being tuned to the current developments in the subjects, for which they must constantly update their knowledge.

A well recognized way to deal with this paradigm is for the teachers to be active researchers in the areas in which they interested. As researchers, they need to understand the past and recent developments in their subject areas. Many high ranking Universities / Institutions in the world (Berkely, MIT, Cornell, Stanford, Princeton etc.) and India (IITs, IISc, IIITs, NITs etc.) exhibit a very high correlation between quality teaching and R & D activities. Even among the affiliated colleges, those which have Ph.D. faculty on their rolls and are engaged in R & D activities are regarded as good colleges.

Functions of R & D Cell :

  • Identification of thrust areas of research in each department
  • Advise and encourage the faculty to carry out research in-house and in collaboration with other organizations
  • Identification of physical and human resources to carryout research
  • Identify the budgetary requirements and resources for funding the research
  • Review the progress of research and offer necessary guidance whenever required
  • Monitor and propose the funding from college budget for promotion of research activities
  • Identify different organizations/ industries to undertake collaborative research on current topics of mutual interest
  • Additional Duties of R & D Cell :

  • Scrutinize minor and major research project proposals for submission to funding organizations such as UGC, AICTE, DST, DRDO etc.
  • Monitor and assess the progress of sponsored research projects.
  • Review and monitor academic progress of candidates registered for Ph.D. /M. Tech./M.Sc.
  • Advise and arrange Seminars / Conferences / Workshops.
  • Promote and encourage interdisciplinary research.
  • Establish technology incubation centres/ Research centres/ Centres of excellence.
  • Encourage young faculty members to register for Ph. D. in the College or at various reputed academic institutes.